Sunday, August 15, 2010

Emma Thompson to go lightly on Audrey Hepburn?

Emma Thompson. Source: Splash Photos
Audrey Hepburn's perpetual transcendent image has been defied in one of Peter Bradshaw's blog posts in which he appears to be, to a certain extent, in concurrence with Emma Thompson's 'twee' description of the late actress. 

Controversial? Possibly, as indicated by readers’ comments. 

For avid, loyal Hepburn fans, this may be regarded as the utmost insult, and as Bradshaw would say: "...akin to sacrilege..." For the majority of readers, Hepburn was remembered as “beautiful…timeless and effortlessly elegant” (MotorcyleDiarist 2010).

This story from the Guardian would certainly attract many British readers, puzzled over what the connection between two of their most respectable actresses could be. It may seem peculiar to them that someone of Thompson’s class would have the audacity to criticise the screen icon and “classic beauty” (in Coleman 2010). Additionally, the fact that Thompson has completed a screenplay for the projected remake of My Fair Lady may add further insult to injury to Hepburn’s image.
The iconic image from Breakfast at Tiffany’s of Hepburn as Holly Golightly – who is cleverly referenced in the headline – is sure to captivate readers. Timeless, it reminds generations of the Audrey Hepburn many fell in love with. The impact is instant for those who have ‘grown’ with her. For those who haven’t, they would either be just as charmed or, in some cases, equally disinterested in her.

Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Source: The Sydney Morning Herald

Bradshaw wastes no time in disclosing the key details of the story in the first few paragraphs. And while he appears a little bias by siding with Thompson, he does effectively present us with a generally fair account, providing links to other articles whose author is, for or against Thompson’s perception of Hepburn. This allows us to form our own opinion on the issue, despite knowing the author’s. 

While Bradshaw’s slight bias may be thought of as a drawback, it is worth noting that the nature of a blog does entitle him to share his perspective. An actual news article would not have allowed him to do so.

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