Saturday, September 4, 2010

How we know Reese Witherspoon is looking stunning...

…Well from Sophie Forbes’ article of course. Thanks Mail Online. But is this relevant? I’m afraid not.  

Witherspoon looking 'stunning'. Source: Mail Online 
While it is understandable that this article was written for the sole purpose of promoting Witherspoon’s upcoming movie How Do You Know, the headline has no significant relation to the content and comes across as a little opinionated.

Granted, the subject is new, but whether Forbes is right or not about Witherspoon’s looks, it is not a place for the author to make such claim (a small but still biased claim, mind you!) and include it in her article (sorry Sophie, but not too sure if everyone will find her “beautiful in clips from the movie” even if she is looking good).

The rest of the article is nothing too unusual, covering novel and (slightly) more relevant information such as the encounter between Witherspoon’s children with Robert Pattinson and two of her other upcoming movies.

Perhaps it would have been more interesting to know whether the movie will be a success or a flop – similarly to how The Guardian covered it (however that story is a blog post and not a news story, essentially welcoming opinion).

And maybe it would have been more relevant if the story actually focused on the movie for more than four sentences.

Or even better…if it dug up controversial information surrounding the movie – something as ridiculous and untrue as the actress living out the storyline of her movie and having to choose between her real beau Jim Toth and say Jack Nicholson or the movie’s director James L. Brooks.

Anyway, this article is more pointless than informative. It creates little impact.

Yes, Witherspoon may be a famous and prominent figure in Hollywood but even her status can’t drive this story. If only Forbes had used Pattenson’s name in the headline, it would have created more traffic.

Nonetheless, the use of links, images and the movie’s official trailer allows the audience to engage with this short and sweet article, making it more entertaining. The story is also somewhat current with Witherspoon having previously appeared in the news regarding her relationship with Toth around the time the article was written.

1 comment:

  1. I like your analysis on this article.. it is so true.. the original article is trying to capitalise on fame and current buzz on Reese at that time but it is just doesn't work..
