Saturday, October 16, 2010

No 3D treatment for new Harry Potter movie

So how does everyone feel about the 3D phenomenon? Is anyone well over that fad yet?

I must say I breathed a sigh of relief after finding out that the new Harry Potter movie, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1, has been spared from the 3D format…only to discover that this was simply because the movie couldn’t be converted in that format in time and that the second part will be released in 3D.

Source: Warner Brothers Entertainment

Oh well.

This article from The Sydney Morning Herald successfully captivates readers’ attention from the get-go with a catchy headline: “No new dimension to new Harry Potter movie”.

Mentioning Harry Potter in the headline certainly stimulates the interest of most people as it is something we’re all familiar with. However, if you don’t know who Harry Potter is, you should be shunned by society! Well not really…but seriously if you haven’t, not too sure where you’ve been hiding.

Also, who here doesn’t like Harry Potter? Perhaps some of the acting has put you off a little but I’m sure many of you out there are fans of at least the books! Moreover, 3D is still a relatively “warm” topic that readers would still want to read about it.

With Harry Potter 7 Part 1 set to be internationally released on November 18 (November 19 is for the UK and the US), this news comes at a timely juncture.

Also, this piece of information is indeed new (and a little odd I suppose) because many have assumed it would definitely be released in 3D. Disappointing news for some, but great news for others (like me!).

I have to say this was well played by Warner Brothers Entertainment because, as mentioned in the article, had they generated a rushed and Clash of the Titans-like 3D version of the movie, this would have a negative impact on the audience – um who wants their cinematic experience butchered by some dodgy 3D conversion?

There are great expectations from this movie and great anticipation building as people are eager to see what is to become of Harry (even if they might have already read the last book, or not). If many of you are like me and have grown up with the series, you’ve probably become emotionally attached to the ingenious and wonderful world of Hogwarts. A world that J.K. Rowling has so kindly shared with us.

We can also see that the inverted pyramid format is clearly used to reveal in order of importance the most important details of the news: from Harry Potter 7 Part 1 not being released in 3D to seeing “next year…a 3D re-release of Star Wars”. The quotes selected are also credible and support what’s been said.

In terms of layout, the provision of the movie's second trailer is very effective in retaining more people to the page. It definitely works better than having a still image instead. People can then make their own opinion on whether Harry Potter will benefit or not from the 3D format. The comments feature is also great in encouraging readers to join in the conversation and give their two cents.

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